Surfacing the Stories Hidden in Migration Data
A winner of Metropolis‘s second-annual Responsible Disruptors program, the Civic Data Design Lab at MIT explores new ways of looking at a humanitarian crisis.
Leah Talatinian
Senior Officer for Marketing and Communications
A winner of Metropolis‘s second-annual Responsible Disruptors program, the Civic Data Design Lab at MIT explores new ways of looking at a humanitarian crisis.
With her one-of-a-kind musical style, Distinguished Visiting Artist Iva Bittová helps students make music that is authentically their own On a weekend in September, a group of students from MIT’s Vocal Jazz Ensemble visited CAST Distinguished Visiting Artist Iva … Continued
A new opera by MIT music lecturer Elena Ruehr turns the real-life inventors of modern computing into crime-fighters Over the course of her career, the composer Elena Ruehr has found inspiration in very different writers and very different worlds: … Continued
“The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace & Babbage,” a graphic novel by Sidney Padua, offers a playful take on the lives of Ada Lovelace and Charles Babbage, two seminal figures in the world of computer science. The novel follows their journey … Continued
This conceit sets in motion a wondrous blend of history and fantasy in Elena Ruehr’s The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage, which Guerilla Opera presented in its first staged production at MIT’s new W97 Black Box Theater… Part rescue narrative … Continued
On Friday at the MIT Theater Arts building, Guerilla Opera presented the world premiere of “The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage,” an adaptation of Sydney Padua’s whimsical webcomic series.
Guerilla Opera presents the first staging of “The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage,” a new opera by composer Elena Ruehr and librettist Royce Vavrek based on Sydney Padua’s graphic novel of the same name…
New York Times best-selling graphic novel “The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage,” by Sydney Padua, will take to the stage this weekend at MIT’s Building W97. Pulitzer Prize-winning librettist Royce Vavrek adapted the book, and the story tells the … Continued
Architecture students address the urgent need to reframe the relationship between design and time How would we design and build differently if we learned to live at multiple time scales? How would human communities respond to global challenges if the … Continued
The resulting conversation highlighted two strains of thought: innovative progress via design and the revelation of what is already present in interspecies connections—whether mutual, parasitic, or commensal.
Excavations and revelations in Symbionts: Contemporary Artists and the Biosphere at MIT List Visual Arts Center, Cambridge
MIT Music and Theater Arts, and Guerilla Opera present the world premiere of The Thrilling Adventures of Lovelace and Babbage.
His cavernous Hudson Valley foundry helped Louise Bourgeois, Richard Serra, Jeff Koons and many others turn their large-scale visions into reality.
With the new MIT Museum now open, “Gestural Engineering” returns, to the relief of many, though not quite as before. The new exhibition pairs Ganson’s works — fewer than before, it should be noted — with a piece by Andy … Continued
Echelman’s 2015 sculpture “As If It Were Already Here” is the first ephemeral piece and artwork to win the Harleston Parker Medal
Guerilla is now associated with the MIT Center for Art, Science, and Technology (CAST) and this first collaboration sounds delicious.
Have a night at the museum with the MIT museum after dark. This month’s theme is ‘Making Memories,’ with dancing, games, and food and drink from local vendors.
Artificial intelligence, robotics and gene sequencing are the stuff of headlines, science fiction and sometimes even our worst fears. It’s all on view at the new MIT Museum.
The interdisciplinary careers of its faculty directors, John Ochsendorf and Maria Yang ’91, offer a glimpse of the possibilities in store.
Exploding with energy but perfectly still, Harold “Doc” Edgerton’s 1964 image of a .30-caliber bullet ripping through an apple showed an otherwise unseeable moment in captivating detail. The longtime Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) professor used it to illustrate a … Continued
The new MIT Museum is the latest project by Boston-based practice Höweler + Yoon. Their book’s exploration of recent work by the former Design Vanguard firm demonstrates how verification is an integral part of the design process, and how uncertainty … Continued
The MIT Museum, dedicated to the history of invention and innovation that sprang from the university, used to be housed in a nondescript converted warehouse off campus. But now it has a prominent new home just off Kendall Square, the … Continued
The Council for the Arts at MIT provides funding for arts projects that engage the MIT community. The Council’s Grants Committee considers proposals for projects in the fall and spring semesters. Applications for Undergraduate Mini-Grants and Graduate Arts Seed Grants are accepted … Continued
Annual list that highlights the region’s top philanthropists who have demonstrated a strong personal commitment to causes such as education and the environment includes Ronnie and Gerald Chan, The Hong Kong billionaire siblings in October gifted $100 million to the … Continued