The Council’s grants program provides funding in support of a wide range of art projects that engage the MIT community. The average award is typically around $2,500. Maximum awards, for extraordinary projects, are up to $7,500. Only one grant project per applicant per academic year will be funded. Projects cannot be part of regular class assignments and should be on a timeline to be completed within one year from the date of the award. More about eligibility and policies for grant recipients.
Info session: Monday, September 16 / 11:30am – 12:30pm / Zoom (register) (view the info session slides)
There are two application cycles per academic year, one in fall and one in spring.
The fall 2024 preliminary proposal deadline is September 27, 2024.
Questions? Contact
Looking to develop a prototype or small project? Apply for student arts mini grant funding, up to $500, rolling applications.
Phase 1
Preparing and Submitting a Preliminary Proposal
Before beginning a preliminary proposal, please make sure you have read our eligibility guidelines and policies for grant recipients, and referred to our arts project resource list. If you have any questions about any aspect of preparing the preliminary proposal or about the suitability of your project, email us at
Phase 2
Preparing and Submitting a Full Application
Based on the feasibility of the proposed project and its ability to engage the MIT community, we will invite selected applicants to submit a full application, via Slideroom. If you are invited to prepare a Phase 2 application, you will have the opportunity to meet with MIT Arts staff for technical assistance and to discuss your proposal in greater detail as you finalize your materials.
A complete grant application will consist of:
- A final project description
- A one-minute video describing the project
- An artist’s statement
- A final budget
- A one-page résumé