MIT offers Bachelor’s degrees, Master’s degrees and Doctoral degrees in an assortment of arts subjects. Degrees are granted by two schools:
School of Architecture + Planning (SA+P)
Many of SA+P’s faculty are leaders in the creative fields, including but not limited to the field of architecture around which the school was founded. In addition to the prominent department of architecture and urbanism, SA+P contains the history, theory and criticism of art and architecture department and houses the MIT Program in Art, Culture & Technology (ACT), a hub of critical art practice and discourse, and the MIT Media Lab, a groundbreaking cross-disciplinary research center. SA+P faculty’s work has contributed to the Institute’s ranking as first in the world in architecture and second in art and design.
School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences (SHASS)
MIT was recently ranked as one of the top three universities in the world for humanities and arts fields, and SHASS is home to many of the programs that set the Institute apart. As part of a diverse curriculum comprising 13 academic fields, SHASS’s portfolio includes a vibrant literature department, a cutting-edge multimedia program in comparative media studies and writing, a world-renowned music department that includes two Institute Professors (the highest honor awarded to only about a dozen members of the entire MIT faculty), and a thriving theater arts program occupying a brand-new theater building.
For lists of current faculty providing instruction in the arts, consult the appropriate division:
Academic Programs in the Arts
Media Coverage of Arts Faculty
Resources for MIT Faculty