Day/Time: 10 Fridays starting September 22, 4:00-6:30pm
There is no class October 20 (tentative) or November 24 (confirmed).
Location: E38-391 (four weeks) W20-425 (six weeks)
Instructor: Jacob Geiger

In this course, students will focus on photography centered around depictions of both natural and built landscapes. We will work within the genres of landscape, road-trip, and street photography while also considering their limitations. We will also study the work of photographers who operate within those genres to consider how they use and challenge their conventions.
Students will primarily use digital cameras, as well as Adobe software. No prior experience is required. Facilities permitting, we will also have a few workshop days in the darkroom using analog cameras and processes. Both digital and analog cameras will be available to students for check-out, although students are welcome to work with their own cameras, too.
September 22, 2023 - December 23, 2023
6:00 pm - 11:55 pm