SP25 Ceramics Non Class Clay

By invitation only–please do not share!

Beginning February 18.

SAA Ceramics Studio. Credit: Elizabeth Woodward.
SAA Ceramics Studio. Credit: Elizabeth Woodward.

Building hours for spring 2025: 

Unlocked from 6 am to 7 pm

Card access only between 7 pm and 2am you must be cleaned up and out by 2am, not starting to clean up

Building closed (no access) between 2am and 6am

Additional building closures have not yet been announced by CAC but when they are, I will let you know.


  •  February 18, 2025 - May 23, 2025
     8:00 am - 11:55 pm
Details Price Qty
MIT Faculty/Staff $315.00 USD  
MIT Alum/Spouse $315.00 USD