June 17-August 23, 2024
Location: MIT Arts Studios, W20-429
Instructor: Jacob Geiger
Building hours for summer 2024:
Unlocked from 6 am to 7 pm
Card access only between 7 pm and 11 pm you must be cleaned up and out by 11pm, not starting to clean up
Building closed (no access) between 11pm and 6am
Additionally, the building will be closed and not accessible on the following Institute Holidays:
Juneteenth – Wednesday, 6/19/24
July 1 power shutdown – all day Wednesday, 7/1/2024
July 4th Holiday – Thursday, 7/4/24 and Friday, 7/5/24
This course does not have regular class meetings and is for students who have prior darkroom experience developing film and making prints. Students may take this course more than once. Completion of a MIT Arts Studios darkroom course or permission of the instructor is required. Please contact the instructor if you’re unsure whether you have the prerequisite experience.
35mm, 120 and 4×5 format cameras will be available for check-out to students on a weekly check-out basis. Students must provide their own film and paper. Darkroom chemistry is provided.
There will be two optional meetings during the term to share and critique ideas and prints. The dates and times of these meetings will be scheduled based on student availability after the start of the term.
June 17, 2024 - August 23, 2024
8:00 am - 11:55 pm