White grid in square pattern, distorted into diamond shapes as if on fabric. Cells are painted with warm jewel tones and white, grouped to suggest dimension of grid. Credit: Timothy Lee.

SP25 Making Art for Scientists

Day/Time: 10 Tuesdays starting February 18, 6:00 – 8:30 pm There is no class March 25.   Location: MIT Arts Studios, W20-425 Instructor: Timothy Lee This intermediate studio course is designed for scientists and engineers conducting research who want to bridge … Continued

Self portrait of a MIT student.

SP25 Thursday Introduction to Oil Painting

Day/Time: 10 Thursdays starting February 20, 3:00 – 5:30 pm There is no class March 27. Location: MIT Arts Studios, W20-425 Instructor: Timothy Lee This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals and processes of oil painting. Through a series … Continued