SP25 Thursday Intermediate Oil Painting

Day/Time: 10 Thursdays starting February 20, 6:00-8:30pm

There is no class on March 27.

Location: MIT Arts Studios, W20-425

Instructor: Timothy Lee

an image of a horizontal rectangular oil painting of a man wearing a red hat and green jacket with strong light and shadows on his face
Untitled, credit: Margo Collett

This course in oil painting is geared towards students who already possess foundational skills in representation who wants to explore their painting more rigorously. As an expansion of Introduction to Oil Painting, this class leads students through various prompts and modes of working, emphasizing scale, narrative, and an introduction into abstraction as areas of focus. There will be a portion of the class dedicated to training in the practical aspects of a painting practice, including stretching Students will look at works of contemporary painters in order to begin developing a personal vision for their own body of works and be able to speak about their interests with intent and criticality.

*students must have taken Introduction to Oil Painting in the past or receive permission of instructor to enroll.

Below is a link to the materials list for this class. Please note that you  will be asked to purchase canvas sized 18” x 24”. Please pay particular attention to purchasing non-warped canvases.

Below is a link to the materials list for this class.  Note: Students do NOT need to purchase oil paint.

Materials list

Materials can be purchased online or in person at Blick Art in Central Square.

Additional materials fee: $25 to cover oil paints and other communal supplies

  •  February 20, 2025 - May 23, 2025
     6:00 pm - 11:55 pm
Registration is at an external URL for this event.