SP25 Thursday Introduction to Oil Painting

Day/Time: 10 Thursdays starting February 20, 3:00 – 5:30 pm

There is no class March 27.

Location: MIT Arts Studios, W20-425

Instructor: Timothy Lee

Oil Painting, Self Portrait of Student. Credit: Michelle Luo.  Photo: Timmy Lee.

This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals and processes of oil painting. Through a series of exercises, students will address the conceptual problems that will allow them to develop an understanding of the power of images in conveying ideas and modes of expression. Students will be exposed to the principles of color theory, mark-making, and textural applications that will provide them with the tools to navigate their own methods of exploration and investigation of the medium. Although this class is an introduction to oil painting, previous familiarity with observational drawing and basic drawing techniques is recommended as painting builds up on concepts in drawing.

Below is a link to the materials list for this class.  Note: Students do NOT need to purchase oil paint, that will be purchased by the studios and is included in your materials fee.

Materials list

Materials can be purchased online or in person at Blick Art in Central Square.

Additional materials fee: $25 to cover oil paints and other communal supplies

  •  February 20, 2025 - May 23, 2025
     3:00 pm - 11:55 pm
Registration is at an external URL for this event.