Two Mobility Futures, 2022, MIT. Courtesy of the artists. Two Mobility Futures 0∞ Divergent futures where humans move constantly, or not at all
Rania Ghosn/DESIGN EARTH, The Planet After Geoengineering, 2021. Courtesy of the artist. The Planet After Geoengineering Speculative futures for planet Earth
The Open Collectives team is initiated by MIT’s Future Urban Collectives Lab founded and directed by architect Rafi Segal (back right), in collaboration with MIT Civic Data Design Lab director Sarah Williams (front), artist Marisa Morán Jahn (left), and futurist Greg Lindsay (not pictured). Photo: Marisa Morán Jahn. Rafi Segal and Marisa Jahn’s Architecture for New Collectives
Azra Aksamija, Displaced Empire, 2021. The Imperial Banner depicts refugee designs as a conduit for heritage and cultural reproduction at Azraq. Laser burned drawing on denim. Courtesy of the MIT Future Heritage Lab. Azra Akšamija’s Displaced Empire How does Al Azraq Refugee Camp live together?
"All The Light That's Ours To See," Judith Barry, 2020. Courtesy of the artist. Judith Barry’s All The Light That’s Ours To See Large-scale immersive installations