The 2021-22 season of MIT Performing, a prototyping and presenting series programmed by Jay Scheib, professor for Music and Theater Arts, is presented by the MIT Center for Art, Science & Technology and supported in part by the Council for the Arts at MIT. Based in MIT’s new Theater Arts facility, MIT Performing promotes research-based artistic practices across disciplines, fostering new platforms for contemporary performance.
For more information, contact CAST

December 4 – 11, 2021
Conceived by multidisciplinary artist duo Ximena Garnica & Shige Moriya and performed by the LEIMAY Ensemble, this expansive project offers spectators multiple entry points to engage with questions of being, interdependence, and coexistence.

February 11, 2022
A new production of VALIS, composed by Tod Machover, Muriel R. Cooper Professor of Music and Media and director of the Media Lab’s Opera of the Future Group, will be directed by Jay Scheib and developed in MIT’s Theater Arts performance space (W97).